Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Why Men Make It Difficult to Buy Gifts For
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Fellas, when someone asks you what do you want for Christmas, your birthday, or Father’s Day, do you have a habit of saying you don’t need anything? Dr. Avrum Weiss came on the show to open our eyes as to why we as men make it so hard for our spouse, girlfriend, and kids to buy gifts for us. He informs us that when buying a gift for a man it should not have any association with work or to be more productive. It should be to bring the man pleasure, something fun, something that would let him play. Dr Weiss explains how society has taken the fun out of us men. For us, men believe we must show value by the work we do and achieve. He says that men are so concerned with their performance that we forget about our own pleasure. Learn more in this video and in Dr. Avrum Weiss latest book “Hidden in Plain Sight: How Men’s Fears of Women Shape Their Intimate Relationships”. You can get his book on this Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Plain-Sight-Intimate-Relationships/dp/1643810383/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ATQPN7Q2RW0O&keywords=weiss+hidden+in+plain+sight&qid=1636061710&sprefix=weiss+hidden%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
How Men Can Eliminate the Stress and Anxiety of a Divorce
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Meet Hayley Lisa, the only woman that exclusively coaches’ men through their divorce. Hayley is the CEO of The Divorce Coach for Men. Being a woman, she knows and understands how women can be, especially when they are going through a divorce. She strives to make the journey as easy as possible. Hayley tells us all the work that she will do to help you to make sure you don’t do or say something that will cause more of a problem. She tells us when a man should hire a coach and how long she works with them.
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
How Men‘s Fears of Women Shape Their Intimate Relationships
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Are men afraid of women and don’t even know it? Dr. Avrum Weiss who is a psychologist, author and speaker that has been working for over 4 decades working to help men says we are. He gives us examples of 7 compelling ways men are afraid of women and where it stems from. These 7 ways shape how we as men interact with women and oddly enough with each other. Dr. Weiss explain how we as men sometimes feel like we are failing in our roll as a protector and a provider and how young men today get mix messages from women.
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Postpartum Depression in Men
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Can men experience Postpartum Depression? Hollie Schmid from Reality Relationship 312 tells us yes, how and why Postpartum Depression in Men is real. We discuss how harmful it can be even to the child when a parent or parents struggle with it. She gives us a list of the signs that she looks out for when she talks with a father. Hollie tells us how long Postpartum Depression can last. She explains how communication with your partner, getting help, and recognizing symptoms is so important.
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
How Couples Can Heal from Betrayal/Infidelity
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Dr. Stefanie Carnes a clinical sexologist, certified sex addiction therapist and supervisor, who specialize in therapy for couples and families struggling with compulsive and addictive sexual behavior. Who is the President of The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals and a Senior fellow for Meadows Behavioral Healthcare join me on the show to shed light on how couples can heal from infidelity. With her book Courageous Love: A Couples Guide to Conquering Betrayal she tells us how couples can overcome infidelity and betrayal. She gives examples of what constitutes betrayal. Where should a couple draw the line. She explains how a person will know when they are crossing the line. Dr. Carnes gives examples why couples will choose to stay together and work on the relationship. We know in all relationships couples will have some problems and they have to choose just how important that relationship is.
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
A Man’s Sexual Performance vs Connection
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
On The Father Show Sex and Relationship Therapist Katie Roach, MA, ALMFT with Relationship Reality 312 enlighten us on what a sex therapist is and does and why you might need one. Katie explains the different types of discrepancy that might come up within in a relationship about sex. She tells us why couple have a perceived view of inadequacies when it comes to sex. Katie tells us that sex has a lot of different purposes for people in both genders. She tells us what women generally look for with a sex partner. She tells us ways we can make sex better when a woman gives feedback and how that should not hurt our masculinity. She explains why some partners shut down and don’t what to have sex. One of the key things that she mentions is that women experience pleasure in so many different ways. Katie tells us that depending on men testosterone level also plays a part in a man sex drive. How your age, health, what you eat, stress and your life style all plays a part in a person sex drive.
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
The Overall Effects of Parental Alienation
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Patrick Beebe PhD is an expert on Parental Estrangement and Alienation. He is a Certified Life Coach, Veteran, and a victim of Parental Alienation. He informs us how Parental Alienation affects children, not only during it, but also throughout their life. The effect that it can have on children can lead to alcoholism, drugs, self-medicating, abusing their body, not being able to hold down a job, not being able to stay in a relationship and much more. He also speaks on how Parental Alienation affects the targeted parent who is usually the non-custodial parent-the father. Patrick gives us things to look for if you suspect you are being Alienated against. He gives how the child will accept what he or she is being told at different ages. He says that Parental Alienation is about control. He gives great suggestions as to how a father can deal with the problem. Patrick would like to help any father that is being alienated against by providing his number and email address. Due to him being alienated against, for the past 28 years he still does not have a relationship with his two daughters.
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
How Reverse Mortgages Work and Who Should Get Them
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Today on The Father Show we had Kevin A Guttman who is a mortgage specialist to inform us about Reverse Mortgages. He tells us that there are 3 main reasons for a Reverse Mortgage which are: Eliminate monthly PI payment-remain at home, maintain independence, retain ownership on title. The Access Equity-earns compound interest tax free; proceeds are not taxable; protect portion equity and third, the Purchase Home-double purchasing power; newer home, updated amenities, area you want to live in, no PI mortgage payment. He explains that there are 3 Ways to Access Equity from your home, a Lump Sum, Monthly payments, and having a Line of Credit. 3 Features of a reverse mortgage; Non-recourse loan, Best Interest Rate, and Tax free proceeds. You have 3 Options; Fixed rate, Adjustable rate, Jumbo fixed or adjustable. One of the important things I learned is that you maintain the ownership of the home. With a Reverse Mortgage you could Update home, Consolidate Debt, Give to family, and give to charity. However, one thing you can do with the money is buy an annuity.
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Getting Through Hard Times Together, Not Divided
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Ed Coambs from Healthy Love and Money return to the show to discuss how couples can get through hard times together and not divided. Ed informs us from his book The Healthy Love and Money Way: How the Four Attachment Styles Impact Your Financial Well-Being. Ed let us know how important it is for men to learn to be vulnerable with your spouse and why it is so hard for men to do. He explains how to recognize a woman’s different emotions. We talk about if a couple should have a weekly or monthly budget conversation.
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Breast Cancer In Men
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Johnny E Johnson Jr. an OBGYN doctor gives us men an insight that breast cancer is not just in women but in men too. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born in the US today will get breast cancer. However, about 1 out of every 100 cases of breast cancer occurs in men. It is most common in men who are 60-70 years old. About 2,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, with about 450 deaths due to male breast cancer each year. Learn what you need to know about this life threatening disease.